Born in the USA
I'm a midwesterner to the core. Born, Raised, and Raising.
As a family we found this sincere joy when we'd purchase an American made product. We then realized we weren't getting that feeling near enough. "Sh**, what is made here?"
I'm here to do the research for you. Providing an easy directory of the items my husband and I would search for endlessly during evenings on our couch.

Recycled kids eating utensils. Recently added adult size and silicone product. I've seen this brand sold in grocery stores and department stores as well.

Little Tikes® Toys
Cozy Coupe. Turtle Sandbox. Playhouse. Swing. They're all staples of our childhood.
Who knew they were US Made? I was SHOCKED!

K'Nex® Brand Toys
Land-fill free. STEAM toys. Part Guarantee.
These toys are made for so many age groups. Adults included. They also make Tinkertoys and Lincoln Logs. Adding this collection truly made me excited to shop for the kids on my list!

Maple Landmark Toys
The craftsmanship itself is impressive! I love the idea of wooden toys for kids!

BUNN Coffee Makers
Reliable, midwest made coffee makers. Great warranties. A great company that stands behind their product.